Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Vigil in Our Parish: St. John the Baptist Tabaco City

What a blessed Holy Week that was. Here are some more video clips of the Easter Vigil Liturgy in our parish church of St. John the Baptist, Tabaco City, Albay, the Philippines. The celebrant of the Liturgy was the Most Reverend Jose C. Sorra, D.D. Bishop Emeritus of Legazpi. In his Easter Homily, the Old but gracious Bishop eloquently explained the History of Salvation, the mystery of original sin and how in a practical way we could live up to the Light of Christ. He constantly made reference to the Paschal Candle as the symbol of Christ. We were in darkness because of sin and ignorance but now here is Christ the new Light. He said moreover that the readings from the scriptures were done under the Paschal candle in order to show us that without the light of Christ we can not perceive the meaning of the Gospel. He also emphasized the need for repentance and true penance. Moreover, he said that the sacrament of penance should also be called the sacrament of conversion. This is because we do only confess our sins but we must truly die to sin and turn away from it. That is the real meaning of penance. This event was also an occasion fro our Pastor, Monsignor Ramon Tronqued to say farewell. As Vicar General the current administrator of the Diocese decided that he should be assigned in the Cathedral so he could attend more closely with Diocesan concerns. Some of the priests will also assume new assignments, except for the youngest Priest, Fr. Dennis who will remain in our Parish.

Easter Vigil: Processional with the Celebrating Bishop and the Bringing in of the Paschal Candle

The Chanting of the Exsultet

The Bishop Emeritus Officiating on the Baptism of New Converts and renewal of Baptismal Vows

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog.

I like the images from St. John the Baptist, Tabaco City.

It looks so beautiful.

The Word Made Flesh