Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mass for Peace on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

On February 11, 2009, as custumary with our Department we celebrated our Peace Day coinciding with the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our series of activities was preceded by a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Ordinary Form. My students and made all the necessary provisions as much as we can to prepare the Hall for the celebration of the Mass. There are no priests in this diocese that could say the TLM. But in our Diocese Novus Ordo Masses are said in a more reverent way.

The simple Altar with the crucifix in front facing the celebrant and two candle sticks. We use white and gold atar linens.

Front View of the Altar. Simple but dignified, reminding us of Calvary.

The Congregation. Rev. Fr. Joseph Salando from St. Raphael's Parish as our Celebrant.

The Preparation of the Gifts

Preparation of the Gifts 2

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